Age-Related Problems in Dogs

For many dog parents, one of the most important aspects of dog parenting is having as much time with them as possible. The lifespan of dogs is increasing all the time. We are beginning to see household pets such as cats and dogs sticking around well into their teenage years. With a longer lifespan, however, comes considerations of age.

The average age to begin watching your dog for signs of aging is seven years old. At this point, they are generally around the halfway point of a full life and will start to show clues of old age that may need to be monitored. You don’t only want your dog to stick around, but to be healthy as well.

The older we get, the more our body deteriorates, and the same is true for your dogs. As your dog ages, they are at a higher risk for certain issues and illnesses. They may still be a puppy or a kitten in your mind, but they may need a little extra help to keep up all that energy.

Some of the problems you may run into with your aging dog include:

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis and Other Joint Problems
  • Immune System Deficiencies
  • Excessive Weight Gain
  • Lower Cognitive Function
  • Skin Issues
  • Digestive System Problems

Keeping an eye out for any signs that your dog may be experiencing issues is important in their later years. If you think your dog might be having a problem, you should always consult a veterinarian to find out the best course of action to take.

A Healthy Diet for Your Aging Dog

The best place to start in caring for your dog is with their diet. A lot of problems in dogs associated with aging can be traced back to their weight. Because they are older and have less energy, they may start moving around less and putting on some extra pounds.

It’s essential to feed your dog a healthy diet to ensure they aren’t overeating and gaining too much. Extra weight can contribute to weak and painful joints, trouble with their digestive system, or diabetes. Having a diet rich with vitamins, nutrients, and protein is important to your dog’s health later in life.

On top of good food, aging dogs may require more water than younger ones. As they age, your dog may lose the ability to retain water as well as they once did. Keeping your dog properly hydrated will help them stay healthy as they grow older.

The Best Supplements for Aging Dogs

There are also supplements you can give your dog along with their healthy diet to help prevent or ease the symptoms of certain illnesses. You should consult a veterinarian before giving your dog supplements of any kind, just to be sure it’s what is best for them.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 – These essential fatty acids are great for your dog’s skin and coat. They help to boost their immune system as well as their cognitive function. They can even help with joint issues, as they have anti-inflammatory properties to reduce swelling and pain.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate – These supplements, when taken together, are a fantastic way to combat the symptoms of arthritis in aging dogs. They help your dog with water retention and keep swelling down in their joints.

Polyphenols – Found naturally in many fruits, polyphenols are chock full of amazing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Supplementing with polyphenols is a natural way to help protect against inflammation and may also improve your dog’s brain function as they age.

Probiotics – These healthy, natural bacteria are a tried and true way to keep your dog’s digestive system on track as they grow older. By introducing probiotics to your dog’s routine, you may help prevent a host of other issues that can be caused by poor gastrointestinal health.

Minding your dog’s health is important from the time they are born well into their later years. Having a balanced diet and plenty of exercise when they are younger can help prevent issues later in life. But even if they start to present some problems due to aging, there are plenty of ways you can help keep them happy and comfortable even when they are older.

Will Corrente is a career entrepreneur and trusted authority and expert in the dog care industry. Will has over 15 years of experience as the owner and operator of Very Important Paws Dog Resort in West Palm Beach, FL. Copyright 2020