Vitamin C
We know vitamins are important for humans – but what about vitamins for your dog? And if they are important for dog’s, which ones are the most important?
Vitamin C is important for humans And, is equally important for dogs.
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for humans since it helps with immunity and helps the white blood cells function more effectively. Humans cannot produce vitamin C in their own body, so they must obtain it from outside sources.
Dogs, unlike humans, can produce vitamin C in their bodies. Therefore, nutritionists didn’t believe that vitamin C was necessary to add to a dog’s diet. In fact, very few dog food manufacturers added vitamin C to their products. And if they did, it was to preserve the action of the vitamin rather than the nutritional value.
However, when a dog is ill or stressed, their body’s output of vitamin C can rapidly deplete. And, a study done in 1942 showed that dogs suffering from skin diseases often have low amounts of vitamin C in their blood.
Furthermore, blood levels of vitamin C is low – or non-existent – in dogs who exercise to their limits (hunting or sled dogs, for example) or dogs with fevers.
Stress is a well-known cause of low vitamin C in dogs. This includes physical stress (vaccinations, injuries, illness, growth, hard work, and more) as well as emotional stress (moving, demanding training, or weaning).
Dogs given vitamin C often show higher resistance to disease as well as a greater ability to recover from illness or injuries.
How to Give Your Dog Vitamin C
Vitamin C is often prescribed by veterinarians to help with illnesses – including cancer and kennel cough – and slowing down hip dysplasia, joint disease and spinal disorders.
Many veterinarians recommend giving your dog vitamin C supplements – especially to puppies and older dogs who are often more physically or emotionally stressed.
Will Corrente is a career entrepreneur and trusted authority and expert in the dog care industry. Will has over 15 years of experience as the owner and operator of Very Important Paws Dog Resort in West Palm Beach, FL. Copyright 2020